

Can I Wear Fastbraces During Sports?

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Are you considering Fastbraces to straighten your teeth but worried about how they will impact your active lifestyle, particularly when playing sports? The good news is thatFastbraces are designed with your comfort and convenience in mind, allowing you to participate in sports without limitations.

Our team in Mission Viejo offers Fastbraces as a revolutionary solution for achieving a straighter smile in less time than traditional braces. 

Durable and Comfortable

Fastbraces are specifically engineered to be durable and comfortable, making them suitable for athletes of all ages and activity levels. Whether you’re playing basketball, soccer, or engaging in high-contact sports, Fastbraces can withstand the demands of your athletic endeavors.

Innovative Technology

Unlike traditional braces, which typically require longer treatment times, Fastbraces utilize innovative technology to expedite the orthodontic process. With Fastbraces, you may achieve results in as little as three to twelve months, allowing you to focus on your performance without prolonged treatment duration.

Additionally, Fastbraces offer several advantages for athletes. These include: 

Minimal Discomfort

Fastbraces are designed to exert gentle yet effective forces on the teeth, reducing discomfort during orthodontic treatment. This means you can continue to participate in sports without being sidelined by mouth pain or irritation.

Flexible Maintenance

Fastbraces are simple to clean and maintain, allowing you to maintain a flexible oral hygiene schedule even while wearing braces. Proper oral care is essential for athletes to prevent dental issues and maintain overall health.

Customized Fit

Fastbraces are custom-made to fit your unique dental structure, ensuring a snug and secure fit during sports. You won’t have to worry about braces interfering with your mouthguard or causing discomfort while wearing protective gear.

We understand the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle and will work with you to ensure your orthodontic treatment aligns with your goals. Don’t let concerns about braces hold you back from enjoying the sports you love. Schedule a consultation with Pro Health Dental today to learn more about Fastbraces and how they can enhance your smile.

Protruding Teeth, What can I Do About It?

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If you are distracted by protruding teeth on your smile, you’re not alone. Protruding teeth, also known as buck teeth or overjet, can have an effect on your oral health. However, there are solutions available to address this common dental issue.

At Pro Health Dental, our Mission Viejo dentist and team understands the importance of a confident smile and offers various treatments for protruding teeth. 

Orthodontic Treatment

One of the most effective ways to correct protruding teeth is through orthodontic treatment. Traditional braces or clear aligners can gradually move your teeth into proper alignment, reducing the prominence of protrusion and improving the overall appearance of your smile. At Pro Health Dental, our experienced orthodontists will customize a treatment plan tailored to your needs and goals.


Fastbraces offer a quicker solution for those seeking to correct protruding teeth. A difference with regular braces is that they utilize innovative technology to move both the root and crown of the teeth simultaneously, potentially reducing treatment time. Many patients wonder if they can wear Fastbraces during sports – the answer is yes! Fastbraces are designed to be comfortable and durable, allowing you to continue your active lifestyle without interruption.

Cosmetic Dentistry

In some cases, protruding teeth may require additional cosmetic procedures such as veneers. This process can help camouflage the appearance of protrusion, creating a more harmonious smile. Our skilled cosmetic dentists can assess your individual needs and recommend the best course of action.

Surgical Intervention

In severe cases of protruding teeth, surgical intervention may be necessary. Orthognathic surgery can reposition the jaw to correct bite alignment issues, ultimately improving facial aesthetics and function. Our team will work closely with you to determine if surgical treatment is the right choice for your situation.

Don’t let the complications of protruding teeth affect your smile and oral health. Schedule a consultation with Pro Health Dental in Mission Viejo today to explore your options for achieving a beautiful, balanced smile.

Tips for Cleaning Your Dental Crown

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Dental crowns have many important uses, from replacing a missing tooth so that someone can chew again to protecting damaged teeth from further harm.

For many, a crown made of biocompatible dental porcelain that looks exactly like the tooth or top of a one that has been ground down has the most important benefit of restoring confidence in flashing a full and friendly smile. A crown can even contribute to you having such a gleaming grin that you may find others comparing it to those of celebrities on small and large screens everywhere (who rarely were born ready for their close-ups without crowns enhancing those very beautiful smiles).

Zirconia Crowns

But many dental practices do not use what Dr. Gruita has found to be the best option for the material for crowns, which is Zirconia, a strong and durable metal fused to cosmetic porcelain. Whatever your need for a crown alone or in conjunction with other procedures as part of a smile makeover, she is the experienced and trusted expert who can create or restore what is your uniquely perfect smile:

Unfortunately, most Americans do not fully realize that dentistry is the one medical specialty which requires the full participation of the patient. You can’t simply take a pill or go to the gym and regain or maintain your health. But cleaning teeth and crowns can be very challenging.

Brushing and Flossing Practices

Few of us grew up understanding that unless we do a very thorough brushing after breakfast for two minutes (to remove not only food and juice and coffee, but the bacteria that accumulated overnight in the mouth), plaque will start to form. This is the bacterial film that can quickly infect gums, causing them to pull away their support, ultimately leading to teeth falling out or needing to be extracted.

Likewise, brushing teeth and crowns needs to be repeated after the last snack and drink of the night, when flossing is also necessary afterwards. Both brushing and flossing right can be difficult. Brushing needs to be done from the gum line to the top on both sides and along the tops of teeth and crowns used for chewing.

Flossing correctly also requires moving the string from the bottom to the top against the sides of  each, then moving it to a clean part to avoid contaminating the next area between the teeth.

If you are not certain about the details, ask your dental hygienist to show you exactly how to do brushing and flossing to prevent periodontal (gum) disease.

It is also important to also have your hygienist give you a professional cleaning at least every six months, since she has the tools and techniques to enable her to do a better job than anyone can do for themselves. This may include inserting an antibacterial solution where an infection is advanced, which is very common. 

Call Pro Health Dental today to set an appointment for a full oral health and cosmetic dental evaluation to find out what your best options are on the journey to your unique perfect smile.

The Connection Between Cavities and Gum Disease

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Understanding the connection between cavities and gum disease is not just about medical jargon; it’s about caring for your smile with warmth and compassion. Breaking down the potential complications and consequences, it is important to keep iin mind that your oral health journey should be a comfortable and positive one.

Tooth Loss

Losing a tooth can be concerning, but when we understand the connection between cavities and gum disease, we empower ourselves to prevent this outcome. Untreated cavities can progress to the point where they affect the tooth’s pulp and lead to root canal infections. These infections can, in turn, travel to the surrounding gum tissue, weakening the support structure. It’s crucial to address these issues early, preserving your radiant smile.

Increased Infection Risk

Cavities, at their core, are bacteria infections, and gum disease is a battle in the delicate balance of our oral ecosystem. The link between them creates a scenario where untreated cavities can effortlessly infiltrate inflamed gum tissue. It’s like a story of two adversaries—bacteria and your resilient body. Understanding this connection helps us support our body’s defenses more effectively.

Chronic Pain and Discomfort

Dealing with pain from cavities or gum disease can be emotionally draining. When we leave cavities unattended, they may escalate to painful dental abscesses, causing distress and threatening our well-being. In addition, gum disease can create persistent gum discomfort and inflammation. These two together can cause constant oral pain. This is why our dental team in Mission Viejo advocates for early intervention with the utmost care and understanding.

Aesthetic Consequences

Our smiles are our windows to the world, and they deserve to shine brightly. When cavities and gum disease are left unchecked, they can affect our smile’s aesthetics. Cavities often leave behind unsightly dark spots or holes, while gum disease can lead to gum recession and tooth mobility. By nurturing your oral health, you can maintain a confident, beautiful smile, radiating warmth to everyone you meet.

While treating advanced cavities and gum disease can be costly, making prevention and early intervention can be the more affordable, gentle path to follow. Regular dental check-ups and a commitment to oral hygiene are not only kind to your wallet but also supportive of your overall health and well-being.

Understanding the connection between cavities and gum disease allows us to approach our oral health journey with warmth and positivity. By recognizing the potential complications and consequences, you can embark on a journey that nurtures your radiant smile. Regular dental visits, gentle oral care practices, and a mindful lifestyle are your allies in this endeavor, ensuring a healthy, happy smile that shines with warmth for years to come.

How Can You Identify a Failing Dental Implant?

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Every now and then, despite the commendable strides in dental care and treatment, certain situations can render a tooth impossible to save. Perhaps, a segment of the tooth may have broken off, creating a ground for infection. Even with a crown in place, the issue persists. When faced with such a predicament, you might opt for tooth extraction. This step, though necessary, leaves a gap in your bite, a situation that could be rectified with a dental implant – an effective solution that fills the gap while enhancing your smile. However, it’s worth noting that dental implants, remarkably efficient as they may be, can at times fail. To this end, it’s imperative to familiarize yourself with the signs of dental implant failure.

Key Indicators of a Failing Dental Implant: What Should You Look Out For?

A failing dental implant can exhibit a host of symptoms. However, pain stands out as the most common symptom. This could be likened to the pain experienced with the original tooth before extraction. Such pain could hint at the presence of bacteria, which could potentially cause an infection.

Also, experiencing inflammation around the implant area is not uncommon. This may be manifested in swollen, tender gums. In more severe instances, you might notice a discharge of pus at the site of the dental implant, which points to a bacterial infection.

Bleeding could also be observed in these circumstances. If you have grappled with pain and inflammation brought about by the dental implant, the impact may extend to your ability to chew your food properly.

Beyond this, it’s critical to monitor if the dental implant feels loose. This can happen even without the presence of pain and other symptoms. A loose dental implant, however, can provide a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive, which could result in an infection.

Paying your dentist a visit when you notice any of these symptoms can facilitate earlier detection of the problem. A loose dental implant, for example, might just need a quick fix. But if the problem stems from the implant itself, you may require a new one.

Being familiar with and identifying the signs of dental implant failure can help you avoid issues like infection and inflammation in the long run. Unsettled about whether your dental implant is functional? Get in touch with Pro Health Dental. As a prominent dentist in Mission Viejo, CA, we are committed to helping you identify issues with dental implants and addressing them promptly to ward off complications.

How Many Porcelain Veneers Do I Need?

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When you are dealing with concerns about the quality of your smile, there is an array of possible remedies a cosmetic dentist can offer to enhance your appearance. One highly favored alternative entails the application of veneers to your teeth. Porcelain veneers have earned a stellar reputation, but the lingering question on your mind might revolve around the needed quantity. In this comprehensive guide, we delve deep into key factors that influence this crucial decision.

Critical Aspects that Determine the Number of Porcelain Veneers Necessary

Dental veneers are not a novelty in the world of dentistry. They’ve found use since the early 1930s, but porcelain veneers have increasingly gained favor in recent years for their natural-looking aesthetic and durability.

Several factors come into play when establishing how many porcelain veneers you require. A paramount starting point is, undoubtedly, your smile. When examining yourself in the mirror, giving yourself a wide, self-assured grin, you can assess the extent of your issue more accurately. This simple self-inspection can significantly assist in determining your needs.

The total count of teeth you need to rectify with porcelain veneers lies at the heart of deciding the precise number needed. An important point to ponder is whether the upper or lower set of your teeth requires rectification, and in certain instances, both may need attention.

Beyond the number of veneers, the overall size of your smile bears consideration too. This will offer insight into the extent of intervention required since it isn’t solely about the quantity of veneers. The size of each veneer significantly matters. Larger veneers demand more intense labor during application and exhaust more of the porcelain material.

If uncertainty still abounds on the precise count of veneers you need, it is prudent to seek guidance from your cosmetic dentist. Their professional expertise will enable them to visually inspect your oral cavity and recommend an optimal course of action. They can help you decide on just the right number of veneers necessary to reinvigorate your smile.

Regardless of whether you’ve had experience with Invisalign or other minor concerns about the look of your smile, porcelain veneers can be a game-changer in brightening your smile and enhancing your teeth’s overall aesthetics.

Pro Health Dental, a preferred dentist practice situated in the heart of Mission Viejo, CA, is poised to help you achieve your dream smile. We pride ourselves on our wealth of experience and commitment to providing an empathetic, professional experience for all our patients.

Is Invisalign an Improved and Expedient Alternative to Conventional Braces?

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In our modern era, individuals afflicted with malocclusions – a misalignment of the teeth, are afforded a more extensive range of treatment options. Traditional braces have been the typical corrective method, but the advent of clear aligners such as Invisalign has introduced a new popular alternative in the orthodontic area. Many prospective patients find themselves questioning the comparative effectiveness and, importantly, the speed of Invisalign versus conventional braces. Let’s explore this further.

Demystifying the Invisalign Treatment Timeline

Studies suggest that as much as 69.1% of school-age children may experience malocclusions, marking them as common across all age groups.

It’s understandable that anyone with a malocclusion would want a swift, efficient treatment. Coupled with the pleasing aesthetics of Invisalign compared to traditional braces, individuals are keen to know whether Invisalign can offer a speedier resolution for their dental malalignment.

The duration of Invisalign treatment is contingent on a variety of factors, primarily the severity of the malocclusion. More pronounced tooth displacement necessitates additional time for correction. The majority of patients use Invisalign aligners for approximately 12 to 18 months. By the end of this period, you should witness substantial enhancements in your dental alignment. In cases of mild malocclusion, Invisalign may be worn only for six months, providing a rapid resolution for less severe cases. Cosmetic dentists likely favor clear aligners for their aesthetic and time-efficient benefits.

Treatment Duration for Conventional Braces

In comparing traditional braces and Invisalign, considering treatment duration is crucial. Braces typically require a longer treatment period, often extending over two years, influenced by factors like age, severity of malocclusion, compliance, and brace type. In contrast, Invisalign treatment usually lasts between 12 to 18 months, offering a quicker solution for many. Despite Invisalign’s speedier timeline, the choice between both options should also factor in individual dental needs, lifestyle, and professional advice.

For individuals grappling with mild to moderate dental alignment issues, Invisalign might potentially provide a faster and more aesthetically pleasing treatment route. Beyond speed, Invisalign provides significant aesthetic benefits, making it a highly favored option for numerous patients. At Pro Dental Health, our dedicated team of professionals in Mission Viejo takes pride in years of experience cultivating healthy, radiant smiles. If you’re considering an alignment solution for your teeth, we encourage you to get in touch and explore how we can assist in your journey to a better smile.

Treating Chipped or Cracked Teeth

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If you’ve been in an accident–be it from falling off a bike, in a car, or playing sports–you are likely to realize if one or more of your teeth have been chipped or cracked.

But some cracks can be so slight that they are invisible if you look in the mirror. They may reveal themselves by causing your teeth to be sensitive, especially when you eat or drink something hot or cold, chew something sticky or hard, or just brush your teeth, in which case a full dental exam needs to be done to determine the exact cause.

Periodontal infection

Small cracks or chipping can occur even from the impact of cavities, grinding your teeth while you sleep (known as bruxism), or a misaligned bite that causes teeth to damage each other. A periodontal infection can result in gums pulling away their support of your teeth and even get into your jawbone, affecting your bite. The first indicator something is seriously wrong will probably be pain when you bite down in one area. 

In mild cases of cracking or chipping, you can just set an appointment as soon  as possible with Dr. Gruita. Meantime, you should avoid chewing in that area, put Dentemp (available at any drugstore) on it, and manage the pain with an OTC option.

If the tooth is fractured or severely chipped, you should have it initially treated at an urgent care clinic before coming into Pro Health Dental. We will then create a temporary dental crown for protection and have our dental lab craft the permanent one (in the most serious cases, a tooth may need to be extracted and replaced by an implant or if the root is infected, a root canal procedure will be done). 

Minor chipping or cracking will generally be treated by placing a porcelain dental veneer over the front of the affected teeth to both protect it and restore your smile (with the same shade as the neighboring teeth that are still healthy). Veneers, with proper care, can last 10-15 years or more.

Dental Bonding

Another option, if the chip or crack is small, is dental bonding, a composite resin that can be matched to the color of your teeth and applied quickly (it is inexpensive and does not require removing any enamel, which veneers do).

When it is Important to Seek Restorative Dental Care

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Maintaining good oral health involves more than just regular brushing and flossing. Sometimes, despite our best efforts, dental problems can arise that require professional intervention. In this article, we will discuss the importance of seeking restorative dental care and identify situations where prompt treatment is crucial for preserving your oral health.

Tooth Pain or Sensitivity

Persistent tooth pain or sensitivity can indicate underlying dental issues such as tooth decay, gum disease, or an infection. Ignoring these symptoms can lead to further damage and more extensive treatment in the future. Seeking immediate dental care can help alleviate pain and prevent the progression of dental problems.

Cracked or Chipped Teeth

If you have cracked or chipped teeth, it is essential to seek dental care promptly. Cracks and chips can weaken the structure of the tooth, making it more susceptible to decay and fractures. Restorative treatments such as dental bonding, crowns, or veneers can repair and protect damaged teeth, restoring their strength and appearance.

Missing Teeth

Missing teeth can significantly impact your oral health and quality of life. It can lead to difficulties in chewing, speech problems, and misalignment of the remaining teeth. Restorative dental options like dental implants, bridges, or dentures can help fill the gaps, restoring proper function and preventing further complications.

Gum Disease

Gum disease, if left untreated, can progress from mild gingivitis to advanced periodontitis, leading to tooth loss and bone deterioration. Early signs of gum disease include red, swollen, or bleeding gums. Seeking treatment at the first sign of gum disease can help prevent further damage, preserve your teeth, and improve your gum health.

Jaw Pain or Bite Irregularities

Persistent jaw pain, clicking sounds, or difficulties in opening or closing your mouth can indicate temporomandibular joint disorder (TMJ). TMJ can cause pain and discomfort, affecting your ability to eat and speak comfortably. Seeking restorative dental care can help diagnose and treat TMJ, improving your jaw function and alleviating pain.

Unattractive Smile

If you are unhappy with the appearance of your smile due to stained, misaligned, or unevenly spaced teeth, restorative dental treatments such as teeth whitening, orthodontics, or dental veneers can help transform your smile and boost your confidence.

Restorative dental care plays a vital role in maintaining your oral health and overall well-being. Whether you are experiencing tooth pain, have damaged or missing teeth, or are unhappy with the appearance of your smile, seeking prompt treatment from a Mission Viejo dentist at Pro Health Dental is crucial. Remember, early intervention can save you from more extensive and costly treatments down the line, allowing you to enjoy a healthy and beautiful smile for years to come.

Summer-Ready Oral Health Tips

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As everyone thinks about finally getting away for summer, it’s easy to forget about the importance of keeping up your oral health. Why spoil the fun by having to bother with taking all that gear for a few days here and there?

Gum Infections

In fact, that sticky bacterial film called plaque that develops around particles of food and drink that are not thoroughly cleaned off can turn into hardened tartar in a few days, which only a dental hygienist can scrape off with special tools. Unless you’ve had a professional cleaning in the dental chair within the last six months, you really don’t know whether the result of inadequate brushing and flossing has you already in trouble. If a gum infection has started before you go on  a summer vacation, your gums will likely start bleeding, they will pull away their support from your teeth, then eventually become loose and fall out.

Cleaning & Flossing Thoroughly

If you have recently been given a thumbs up for your oral care habits, you want to continue them on vacation, especially if you will be away for an extended period. A soft-bristled  toothbrush (instead of bringing the electrical one you may normally use) and  a small tube of preferred toothpaste can be packed away, along with floss. As you may already know, you should brush both sides of each tooth and chewing surfaces for two minutes twice a day (ideally after breakfast and the last snack of the evening). Before you go to bed, you should floss thoroughly, which means moving the string each time you scrape each side of every tooth, to avoid contaminating them with plaque.

Other important oral care tips for summer:

  • If you have not had your dentist do a full oral health checkup in the past six months, including a digital x-ray (which involves minimal radiation), call for an appointment before you leave, to avoid getting into a dental emergency on the road.
  • Avoid sugary and sticky foods that are prevalent at summer events (you could bring along sugar-free snacks to avoid temptation, munch on fruit when you feel a sweetness craving), and try to include more protein, healthy fats, dairy products (which stimulate saliva that fights oral bacteria), vegetables, and whole grains, seeds, nuts, beans, and peas in your vacation diet:
  • Don’t chew on ice, which can damage dental work. Likewise, don’t eat hard, hard-to-chew, or sticky foods and treats like jerky, dried fruits, hard candy, caramels, and lollipops.
  • Instead of drinking sugary beverages or alcohol (which dries the mouth), consume much more water (many people are dehydrated without realizing it and this can cause a reduction in saliva). 

You can also put into your luggage a dentist-grade mouthwash and small brushes that can clean tight areas between teeth (in lieu of bringing a water flosser).