Common Factors that Result in Bad Breath

Most people who have bad breath don’t even realize it because friends and family might be too embarrassed to say something. It’s difficult to smell your own breath, but if you suspect the odor is a problem there are a number of things you can do to prevent and treat it. Not surprisingly, Pro Health Dental can provide a number of solutions and plenty of advice.

It starts with making sure you brush for two minutes after breakfast (rather than letting food particles attract bacteria all day) and the same after dinner. Change your toothbrush every few months and keep it covered and clean and ask us about the best toothpaste for your case. Then floss when you know you won’t be having a later snack or glass of wine. Doing it thoroughly and consistently eliminates a major cause of stinky breath.  

It will also help to use a dentist-grade mouthwash that kills bacteria, not a mere breath freshener. In some cases, you may need to add a water pick or use an additional soft-bristled small brush to clean out crevices.

Equally important is to be sure you have your teeth professionally cleaned by your dental hygienist who has the tools, techniques, and antibacterial solutions that not only can remove tartar, but kill any bacterial infections in the gums before they create problems more serious than halitosis (the technical name for bad breath).

Perhaps surprisingly, the famed Mayo Clinic reports that a white-coated tongue, especially in the morning, is the result of sulfur compounds accumulating in the mouth that will cause smelly breath and contribute to potential gum disease. It needs to be scraped off ASAP.

A dry mouth enables bacteria to accumulate because saliva normally cleans it off. If you suffer from this, drink more water and less alcohol and coffee, while reducing or quitting smoking, since these dry the mouth. Chewing on sugar-free hard candy or sugarless gum can stimulate saliva. If that doesn’t help, ask us about a medication that may be needed.

If you wear Invisalign aligners, a retainer for post-orthodontic treatment, a mouthguard at night, or dentures, be sure you clean them at least once a day with an appropriate cleaning solution (such as one designated for dentures, but be sure to watch for any discoloration that occurs that occurs on the oral device). 

Set an appointment for a full dental exam to be sure your oral health is where you want it to be.

More Readings on Cosmetic and General Dentistry:

Ada Gruita, DDS:
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