How Can You Identify a Failing Dental Implant?

Every now and then, despite the commendable strides in dental care and treatment, certain situations can render a tooth impossible to save. Perhaps, a segment of the tooth may have broken off, creating a ground for infection. Even with a crown in place, the issue persists. When faced with such a predicament, you might opt for tooth extraction. This step, though necessary, leaves a gap in your bite, a situation that could be rectified with a dental implant – an effective solution that fills the gap while enhancing your smile. However, it’s worth noting that dental implants, remarkably efficient as they may be, can at times fail. To this end, it’s imperative to familiarize yourself with the signs of dental implant failure.

Key Indicators of a Failing Dental Implant: What Should You Look Out For?

A failing dental implant can exhibit a host of symptoms. However, pain stands out as the most common symptom. This could be likened to the pain experienced with the original tooth before extraction. Such pain could hint at the presence of bacteria, which could potentially cause an infection.

Also, experiencing inflammation around the implant area is not uncommon. This may be manifested in swollen, tender gums. In more severe instances, you might notice a discharge of pus at the site of the dental implant, which points to a bacterial infection.

Bleeding could also be observed in these circumstances. If you have grappled with pain and inflammation brought about by the dental implant, the impact may extend to your ability to chew your food properly.

Beyond this, it’s critical to monitor if the dental implant feels loose. This can happen even without the presence of pain and other symptoms. A loose dental implant, however, can provide a conducive environment for bacteria to thrive, which could result in an infection.

Paying your dentist a visit when you notice any of these symptoms can facilitate earlier detection of the problem. A loose dental implant, for example, might just need a quick fix. But if the problem stems from the implant itself, you may require a new one.

Being familiar with and identifying the signs of dental implant failure can help you avoid issues like infection and inflammation in the long run. Unsettled about whether your dental implant is functional? Get in touch with Pro Health Dental. As a prominent dentist in Mission Viejo, CA, we are committed to helping you identify issues with dental implants and addressing them promptly to ward off complications.

Ada Gruita, DDS:
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