Is Invisalign Right for Me?

Nowadays if you want straight teeth, you have some options, including Invisalign, which is a type of orthodontic treatment that uses clear (although not technically invisible) aligner trays to straighten your teeth without the use of traditional metal braces.

Below are some perks and considerations if you’re thinking about talking to your dentist about Invisalign.

Perks of Invisalign

They’re practically invisible: Totally clear and fit to your teeth, it will be hard for people to see that you’re wearing Invisalign, which is exactly the point for many patients, particularly older ones who think they’re too old for braces.

Eat what you want: With traditional braces, you have to remove a lot of foods from your diet because they run the risk of disrupting your metalwork. Since your Invisalign aligners are removable, you just take them out before mealtimes.

Your oral care routine stays the same: Traditional braces require you to brush and floss around wires and brackets, but with Invisalign, you simply remove the aligners and continue with your standard oral care routine.

It could help you lose weight: While not an “official” benefit of Invisalign, let’s be honest. The fact that you have to take out your aligners and brush your teeth after every meal may help cut down on that snack grazing throughout the day and/or that midnight meal.

It’s practically painless: Unlike traditional braces, where the tightening process was often a torturous affair, Invisalign aligners slide right onto your teeth pain-free.

Invisalign Considerations

You may not see them, but you can hear them: Since you’re still wearing something on your teeth, once you start talking, certain words and letter combinations can create a lisp. However, this gets better over time as you get used to the aligners.

You have to wear them: It may sound obvious, but this isn’t the retainer from your childhood. In order to get the most out of your aligners, you should wear them at least 20 hours a day (although 22 is the preferred amount). Since you won’t be wearing them when you’re eating, that means they’re in your mouth almost 24/7.

You have to brush between meals: After all, invisible aligners aren’t much of an aesthetic benefit if you have spinach stuck inside them. So you’ll need to carry a travel toothbrush (or two) and be adamant about teeth cleaning after everything you eat.

They might take longer than you think: The average Invisalign patient will have to wear their aligners for a year, but like other forms of teeth alignment, sometimes that treatment can be extended for the use of “finishing” aligners to really get that smile perfect.

Invisalign is a tremendous option for many people looking to straighten their teeth, but it’s important that you look over the details before making a decision. If you think Invisalign may be right for you, contact a dental consultant at Pro Health Dental and we’d be happy to set up an appointment.

Ada Gruita, DDS:
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