Is Invisalign Right for You?

Everyone wants straight teeth. It’s the process of getting those teeth straight that keeps people from doing it. Crooked teeth not only look unsightly but can cause health problems down the road if your teeth can’t be properly cleaned. But many people would rather risk that than worry about being self-conscious 24/7 with adult braces. But we at Pro Health Dental want you to know that Invisalign’s clear braces can straighten your smile and keep people from noticing while you do it.

Perks of Invisalign

  • Appearance: The most obvious perk, and the reason for which the product was initially created, are Invisalign’s clear trays, which are next to invisible as they sit on top of your teeth. That means that the attention your teeth will get will be after they’re straightened, not during the process.
  • Speed: Metal braces could take as long as five years to straighten your teeth. While Invisalign treatment times will vary by patient, most people only use Invisalign for 12 to 18 months before their teeth are perfectly straight.
  • Comfort: Say goodbye to the stinging pain of braces tightening appointments with your orthodontist. With Invisalign, you get a progressive set of trays. Each tray gets straighter the longer you’re in treatment so that every time your tray fits perfectly without discomfort.
  • Safety: Traditional metal braces often use protruding metal and wires that can scratch and puncture the inside of your mouth and gums. In contrast, Invisalign trays are smooth and fit snugly over your teeth, reducing the damage caused to your mouth.
  • Food: When you are wearing metal braces, you have to avoid many foods. Anything that is particularly hard or chewy and could stick to or damage your braces or wiring must be avoided until treatment is complete. With Invisalign, you simply take the trays out of your mouth when you plan to eat or drink, then put them back in when you’re done. You’re free to eat whatever you want.
  • Removable: While it’s true that you should keep your Invisalign trays in your mouth as much as you can to ensure the quickest treatment possible, as stated above, you can remove them when you need to. That means if you have a major event or occasion, you can pop your tray out and then put it back in when you’re finished.

You can get straight teeth without signaling the process to the world with braces. If you’d like more information on Invisalign, please contact us at Pro Health Dental and schedule an appointment today.

Ada Gruita, DDS:
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