Things to Avoid Doing After a Dental Implant Procedure

Calcium helps your teeth by strengthening tooth enamel. 

In previous times, a tooth extraction was necessary because it was decayed. Instead of managing a gap in your smile, you would fill in the space with dental implants. Following the surgery, however, there are several things that you are not recommended to do in order to optimize your recovery. Here are several things our Mission Viejo dentist recommends not doing after a dental implant procedure.


Dental implants rely on a process known as osseointegration, which is how the jawbone develops and grows around the implants. Smoking or chewing tobacco can affect the mouth’s healing process, which is essential for recovery in the immediate months following dental implant placement. This is a major reason to quit smoking after you have had this procedure completed.

Excessive Rinsing

After receiving dental implants, it is recommended to avoid rinsing vigorously throughout the rest of the day as well as the following day. Excessive rinsing can disturb the implant site and cause bleeding. When you are cleaning your teeth, gently swish the mouthwash around your mouth. Instead of spitting out the mouthwash fluid, just let it flow out of your mouth over the sink.

Intense Exercise

Intense physical activity can increase blood flow and lead to bleeding around the dental implant area. For the following 2-3 days after surgery, simply avoid strenuous exercise and create more time to rest until you are cleared by your dentist.

Hard or Hot Foods

Following dental implant placement, it is better to maintain a soft food diet for the immediate few days after. Eating hot or spicy food can affect the healing process. In addition, any foods you do eat should be chewed on the opposite side of the mouth from your plant. This allows a few extra days for your implant site to heal without any interruptions.

Drinking with a Straw

When using a straw to drink, the suction created in the mouth can potentially dislodge the blood clot forming over the implant site. This can lead to pain and also create a condition known as dry socket. Make sure to avoid drinking carbonated beverages as that could irritate the gum tissue around the site.

Follow these instructions on what not to do after dental implant surgery, and you can have the best conditions for recovery.

Ada Gruita, DDS:
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