What Makes a Patient a Veneers Candidate?

Everyone knows how much people tend to make snap judgments. This is especially true when it comes to decisions about our immediate appearance. This includes our clothing, natural attractiveness, cosmetics, and smile. 

While it isn’t always fair, it is only human. This can affect things from jobs to dates. We always want to ensure that we put our best face forward to use it to our advantage.

Veneers Deliver a Picture-Worthy Smile

Unless you are always proudly flashing a stunning full smile and are never self-conscious about what others think, you are likely a great candidate for porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are placed on the front of your teeth to give you your ideal smile. Most people do need extra cosmetic help with the natural teeth they were given. 

So, don’t be too hard on yourself. In fact, there are very few of us with a perfect smile. This is because of many different genetic factors that can contribute to overcrowded mouths with teeth that are either too close or overlapping. Or you may be dealing with the opposite! 

Perhaps there are gaps between your teeth that make you wonder if you should get this cosmetic treatment. Permanent teeth just don’t always grow in at the exact size as others of the same type. Even a misaligned bite can cause chaos as it leads to biting or grinding your teeth at night. 

Habits that Veneers can Change

Perhaps the reason you want veneers is because they have been cracked or chipped in accidents. Or maybe you indulge in bad habits such as biting on pens or using your teeth to pull tags off of clothing. There are also other bad habits that ruin our teeth such as the excessive drinking of coffee, tea, red wine, or other beverages with strong colors. 

If you are going to consume these beverages, you need to immediately brush your teeth afterward. However, sometimes the damage is done and deemed irreversible. In this case, this cosmetic treatment is likely your best bet.

Here at Pro Health Dental, we provide the most sophisticated type of veneers possible. Each of our veneers is thin, strong, but requires very little or no removal of the front of the tooth. Set an appointment with us here at Pro Health Dental so that we can get started. 

We strive to bring you the smile of your dreams with our expert treatments. Let us help you today!

Ada Gruita, DDS:
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