When a Dental Restoration May be Recommended

Pro Health Dental is well-known for its excellent “restorative” dental work. You may wonder what that term means and the answer is wide-ranging.

In childhood, we all learn that filling cavities (aka dental caries) is what dentists do and it remains the second most common disease in the U.S. for all ages, second only to the even more common cold. Removing the decay caused by not adequately brushing or flossing away the dental bacteria is a restorative task, making the teeth and mouth as healthy as they were before the cavity. Dr. Gruita uses only mercury-free, tooth-colored composite resin to cover the hole. If this is especially large, he can fill it with similar material in procedures known as inlays, onlays, or bonding.

This example illustrates that restorative measures usually also have cosmetic benefits for your smile, since you would not want to grin wide and have others see flashes of old silver fillings.

Dental Implants Restore Your Natural Smile

This is also true of dental implants, those artificial teeth that look exactly like the visible part of real teeth. If a tooth has been knocked out in an accident or fallen out because of poor dental hygiene, an implant restores your smile while keeping your bite the same (which has a tendency to start misaligning as neighboring teeth lean towards the gap, loosening even more teeth).

A dental bridge is a less expensive alternative, which involves attaching an artificial tooth (made out of dental porcelain) to the teeth on either side of the gap where the missing tooth was, also prevents misalignment. However, a bridge typically lasts 5-10 years, while an implant can be a permanent solution with proper care.

Dentures Replace Multiple Teeth

If you have lost quite a few teeth, dentures are a common option, but unlike implants, they sit on top of the gums and are not usually anchored into the jawbone, which would stop erosion of the jaw. That is why they need to be adjusted about every five years, but they do restore appearance, the ability to chew, and speak clearly.

Veneers are thin pieces of dental porcelain attached to the front of teeth that have been cracked or chipped. These can also be used to improve the look of teeth that are misshapen, too large or too small, and they can cover gaps between teeth. If even professional whitening does not remove severe discoloration, veneers can restore a gleaming smile.

If a tooth is fractured or the top has been ground down (often unconsciously while sleeping), a crown or cap can be used to restore the tooth to its normal function and prevent further damage.

Call Pro Health Dental today to set an appointment for a full examination and to discuss with Dr. Gruita your priorities for achieving your unique perfect smile.

Ada Gruita, DDS:
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