

What to Avoid to Maintain Healthy Enamel

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The outer surface of your teeth is enamel, the hardest mineral in your body, even stronger than your bones. Yet it is vulnerable to erosion and damage and cannot be rebuilt. Once penetrated, periodontal bacteria can enter into the softer dentin and even the inner core of teeth, ultimately leading to cavities, painful dead roots, and loss of teeth. One common symptom of damaged enamel is tooth sensitivity (for which there are special toothpastes, but they cannot restore it).

Fortunately, enamel can be protected. Let’s start with the basics of oral care: use a soft-bristled brush (hard ones harm enamel) to brush from the gum line to the top of each tooth on both sides for two minutes after breakfast and dinner. You only need to floss once before you go to sleep, but be thorough, holding the string against each side of every tooth. Also, use a periodontal mouthwash. Because no one has the tools or techniques of a dental hygienist, it is also vital that you have a professional cleaning at least twice a year.

Second, avoid too much sticky or hard foods, whether popcorn kernels, hard bread, gummy candy, dried fruit, and even protein bars (brush right afterwards for the sweet stuff).

Likewise, minimize sodas, which have acid carbonation that erodes enamel. Too much juice or coffee can leave sugar on the teeth and gums which will attract bacteria. Drink water ASAP after consuming these or even floss or brush, if you can.

If you have acid reflux, talk to your dentist or doctor about how to prevent it (if you binge drink, be aware that vomiting erodes enamel).

A chronically dry mouth will result in eroded enamel. Saliva neutralizes acids and rinses off bits of leftover food to prevent the build-up of plaque, the sticky bacterial film on teeth that leads to periodontal disease. This is sometimes the side effect of medications and the symptoms can be bad breath. There are dental mouthwashes and over-the-counter solutions that can help correct this. Even chewing sugar-free gums stimulates saliva.

Avoiding accidents that can chip the enamel is obviously important. When you play sports (even so-called non-contact ones like mountain biking and skiing), wear a mouthguard customized by your dentist (off-the-shelf ones do not provide adequate protection).

If you are told by a partner that you grind your teeth at night, your dentist can repair the damage and create a personalized nightguard, which you wear while you sleep.

Stop bad habits that can damage enamel, like pulling off clothes or opening packages with teeth, chewing on pens and pencils, fingernails and ice. 

If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity or are concerned that your enamel has been worn down, set an appointment today to have Dr. Ada do a complete dental examination.

More Readings on Cosmetic and General Dentistry:

A Dental Implant can Help Slow Down Bone Loss

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As we grow older, everyone has a tendency to lose teeth, mostly because of a lack of proper brushing and flossing, as well as missing regular cleanings by a dental hygienist. She has special tools to remove the bacterial film that adheres to food particles which were not removed immediately. Over time, this turns into hardened tartar, which requires professional techniques to scrape off.

If cleaning is not done effectively, the periodontal infection of the gums causes them to gradually pull away from the tooth they hold in place. In addition, cavities can develop over time. There is no pain, but this process does cause bleeding when you brush. It is often too late to save the tooth by the time your hygienist or dentist does an examination and the tooth may need to be extracted.

As we grow older, everyone has a tendency to lose teeth, mostly because of a lack of proper brushing and flossing, as well as missing regular cleanings by a dental hygienist. She has special tools to remove the bacterial film that adheres to food particles which had not been removed immediately. Over time, this turns into hardened tartar, which requires professional techniques to scrape off.

If cleaning is not done effectively, the periodontal infection of the gums causes them to gradually pull away from the tooth they hold in place. There is no pain, but this process does cause bleeding when you brush. It is often too late to save the tooth by the time your hygienist or dentist does an examination and the tooth may need to be extracted.

Then a bigger problem than one lost tooth begins. The lack of stimulation of the tooth that was there by chewing, which keeps the bone underneath healthy, stops, causing the bone around the socket to be reabsorbed into the jaw. At the same time, the neighboring teeth lean towards the gap, becoming loose themselves. Without doing something to stop this misalignment, more teeth will fall out or need to be extracted.

Some 69% of American adults 35-44 have already lost at least one tooth, and 26% of those 74 or older have no more teeth. Speaking clearly and being able to chew well become much more difficult the more teeth are missing.

Fortunately, there is one thing that can both stop this process and restore a healthy bite: dental implants. The key to this miracle is a small screw made of biocompatible titanium that Dr. Ada painlessly inserts into the bone under the socket, which over several months integrates into the jaw. Once healed, it is attached to an artificial tooth that looks exactly like the one you lost and which will be matched to the shade of your remaining teeth. No one will know that you weren’t born with all those teeth when you flash a full smile.

If you have lost many teeth already, you might wonder why not just pull the rest and replace everything with a relatively inexpensive denture, like so many do. Unfortunately, while a normal denture might restore some ability to speak and chew, it does not stop bone loss, which is why it has to be adjusted to be refitted about every five years. However, it is possible to anchor a denture into the jaw with implants. 

If you have many lost teeth, but do not want a denture, you can also consider having the artificial teeth placed on a platform that is anchored, which requires fewer single implants.

The first step in solving the challenges of missing teeth is to have a full dental exam, including a digital x-ray, which involves minimal radiation and will reveal the health of not only your teeth, but the underlying jawbone. In some cases where there is a lack, bone grafts can be made to allow dental implants to be placed.

Call today for an appointment to explore your best options to replace missing teeth.

Read More About Cosmetic and Restorative Dentistry Services:

Dental Implants are More Than Just Restoration

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Dental implants are a very popular option for tooth replacement. It consists of titanium posts and a tooth-looking restoration. Dentists often recommend implant restoration for people who are either missing one or more teeth due to the many benefits. If you are still looking at your various options, make sure to visit a cosmetic dentist in Mission Viejo.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Dental implants are a new-age and innovative solution that is preferred because of the many common problems associated with traditional restoration options. Let’s take a look at some of the amazing benefits of dental implants. 

High Durability

Perhaps one of the very best benefits of getting dental implants is that they are specifically built to last. The rods made of titanium that are placed inside the jawbone help to replicate the normal and natural functions of the natural root structure. This forms a solid bond through osseointegration. 

With the best care and maintenance, dental implants can survive an entire lifetime of use. This means that patients only need to undergo the tooth replacement process once. They can also enjoy the solution for many years to come.

Better Stability

When people lose many teeth, the traditional methods are dental bridges or dentures. However, dentures are removable and become prone to slipping or moving within the mouth when talking or eating. Dental restorations on the other hand are highly stable and will never move. 

Better yet, they ensure that patients are still able to eat without concerns. That means that you can enjoy your favorite meals without the hassle.

Restore Confidence

With dental implants, as well as the attached restoration, you can achieve the closest match to natural teeth available when it comes to tooth replacements. Dental implants feel, look, and function like real teeth. This means that it is incredibly hard to tell them apart.

Most patients often feel far more confident because of their brand-new smile. 

If you are currently missing a tooth, the longer you wait to get it replaced, the more at risk you are for oral health complications such as dental misalignment and deterioration. Getting dental implants will restore the full function of your smile and make you feel far more confident than ever before. To learn more about this excellent procedure, you should book your appointment with Pro Health Dental.

The journey towards your dream smile should start today! Visit your Mission Viejo dentist to get the dental implant process started.

Dental Bonding and Veneers: Outlining the Differences and Which One to Choose

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Dental veneers and dental bonding have similar uses, such as covering chipping, stains, and gaps in your smile, as well as giving misshapen teeth a new appearance. Both can also protect and cover a tooth’s dark root, if it has been exposed because of gum recession.

So which one does the better job at the best price, how do they compare on durability, and what can they do for your smile that is different from each other?

Bonding consists of tooth-colored composite resin (biocompatible plastic), matched to your natural tooth shade (which is why they are often preferred to fillings for cavities). It is less expensive than veneers, but bonded teeth typically last 3-5 years (though with care, they could be good for as much as 10). That compares with at least 10 years for veneers.

Bonding also stains much more easily than veneers, so it’s important to brush your teeth after eating dark foods or drinking coffee, tea, colored sodas, or red wine. Veneers, however, are not invulnerable, so the same practices are a good idea, as well as stopping or reducing smoking.

Bonding can be placed in a single sitting in the dental chair, which involves some slight etching of the surface of the tooth to adhere it firmly, then hardening with a special light. The process takes about 30 minutes per tooth. If there are many repairs needed, a second visit will be scheduled.

Veneers consist of hard dental porcelain or ceramic material, but they can be chipped or cracked if the patient bites his or her nails, chews on pens or utensils, or uses her teeth to open bags or pull on clothing. Because veneers cannot be whitened, if there is concern about discoloration showing through translucent veneers, a professional whitening from your cosmetic dentist should be done before they are placed.

Even just one veneer, however, requires two visits, since each needs to be custom-crafted by a skilled dental lab to look exactly like a natural tooth that is perfect. Your dentist will first file off a little bit of the enamel, which will enhance the ability of the veneer to stay on the tooth, but also so that the result doesn’t cause your new tooth or teeth to stick out artificially. Then an impression mold is made of the area where it is to be placed and sent to the lab. 

To find out whether dental bonding or veneers are the best solution for you, call for an appointment today at Pro Health Dental, cosmetic dentist in Mission Viejo, to have a full dental exam.

Read More From Your Mission Viejo Dentist:

How Dental Fillings Can Help Treat Cavities

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If you have been told that you need a dental filling because of an existing cavity, you’re definitely not alone. In fact, tooth decay can occur at any age. Over 92% of adults over the age of 20 within the United States have at least one cavity, according to Healthline. 

If you need a dental filling, you need not worry. It is a very simple procedure that removes the decay and restores the tooth. It only takes around an hour to fill one tooth and can be performed in the dentist’s office. 

What Types of Fillings are Available?

When you visit your dentist, they will give you an option to choose between several different types of fillings. Each one comes with advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at a few of them below.

Metal Fillings

The earliest fillings known were made of metals such as gold or silver. While gold fillings are still available, they are far less common than they used to be because of the price. The silver fillings are often made with a combination of copper, tin, or mercury mixed with silver.

They are a durable and affordable option. However, they do distort the natural color of your tooth. 

Composite Fillings

Composite fillings on the other hand are made from acrylic resin mixed with either glass or quartz particles. The result is a natural-looking tooth without discoloration. People prefer this option as it doesn’t contain hazardous materials such as mercury.  

Though they are strong, they aren’t as durable as metal fillings. They are also more expensive. 

Glass Ionomer Fillings

Much like composite fillings, glass ionomer fillings are the same color as your natural tooth. They are far more expensive than the other options. However, they are not even half as strong. 

However, they do help prevent future cavities because of the glass containing fluoride.

Cavities are a very normal part of life for most people. If you are currently dealing with one, you shouldn’t worry, because they are a very easy fix. Tooth decay is very common in people of all ages. 

In fact, by the age of 64, most adults in the United States have had at least one dental filling. The procedure is very simple and has very little recovery involved. Better yet, it can be performed in the dentist’s office.

Contact Pro Health Dental today to get your treatment on track.

Additional Resources to Read:

What Makes a Patient a Veneers Candidate?

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Everyone knows how much people tend to make snap judgments. This is especially true when it comes to decisions about our immediate appearance. This includes our clothing, natural attractiveness, cosmetics, and smile. 

While it isn’t always fair, it is only human. This can affect things from jobs to dates. We always want to ensure that we put our best face forward to use it to our advantage.

Veneers Deliver a Picture-Worthy Smile

Unless you are always proudly flashing a stunning full smile and are never self-conscious about what others think, you are likely a great candidate for porcelain veneers. Porcelain veneers are placed on the front of your teeth to give you your ideal smile. Most people do need extra cosmetic help with the natural teeth they were given. 

So, don’t be too hard on yourself. In fact, there are very few of us with a perfect smile. This is because of many different genetic factors that can contribute to overcrowded mouths with teeth that are either too close or overlapping. Or you may be dealing with the opposite! 

Perhaps there are gaps between your teeth that make you wonder if you should get this cosmetic treatment. Permanent teeth just don’t always grow in at the exact size as others of the same type. Even a misaligned bite can cause chaos as it leads to biting or grinding your teeth at night. 

Habits that Veneers can Change

Perhaps the reason you want veneers is because they have been cracked or chipped in accidents. Or maybe you indulge in bad habits such as biting on pens or using your teeth to pull tags off of clothing. There are also other bad habits that ruin our teeth such as the excessive drinking of coffee, tea, red wine, or other beverages with strong colors. 

If you are going to consume these beverages, you need to immediately brush your teeth afterward. However, sometimes the damage is done and deemed irreversible. In this case, this cosmetic treatment is likely your best bet.

Here at Pro Health Dental, we provide the most sophisticated type of veneers possible. Each of our veneers is thin, strong, but requires very little or no removal of the front of the tooth. Set an appointment with us here at Pro Health Dental so that we can get started. 

We strive to bring you the smile of your dreams with our expert treatments. Let us help you today!

Whitening Systems that Can Really Help Make Teeth Shine

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Whitening your teeth is the most popular way to be able to confidently flash a full, friendly smile when you meet anyone. It’s simple, affordable, and needs to be redone periodically because there are many reasons your teeth may become gradually darker.

Many of us have a natural tooth color that is more yellow or brown than others. But unless you brush immediately after consuming certain beverages (coffee, tea, red wine, sodas) or foods (blueberries, tomato sauce, curries), your teeth will gradually discolor. Smoking also will darken teeth, so best to reduce it if you can’t quit (and brush afterwards).

As you probably already have discovered, over-the-counter whitening products are not very effective, whether gels, strips, toothpastes, rinses, or even after wearing trays for hours on many days.

There is a more effective, quicker, and easier way to get the whitening level you want, whether back to your natural shade or a whiter one that, with good dental hygiene, will last at least six months.

When you come into Pro Health Dental, your cosmetic dentist in Mission Viejo, after an exam to be sure your oral health is ready for teeth whitening, all you have to do is relax in a dental chair for an hour, either watching a video, listening to music, or just napping. In three 15-minute sessions during a single visit, we will paint your teeth with a dentist-grade hydrogen peroxide gel, then activate it with a special light that allows it to penetrate the enamel and the dentin layer beneath it. In one visit, about eight dark shades will be removed for most patients.

To help maintain the freshness of this cosmetic treatment, we will also provide you with customized plastic trays, similar to orthodontic retainers, which you can fill with our professional gel and wear either overnight or twice a day for 15 minutes. These also can be utilized by themselves, if you prefer this method to having the full whitening in the dental chair. This approach will remove six shades within two weeks for most patients.

Of course, you can keep your teeth whiter if you follow the normal practices for good oral health. That means brushing your teeth after breakfast and dinner for two full minutes each time, using a recommended toothpaste for your personal needs. Before bedtime, you also need to floss thoroughly. If you are uncertain about the proper techniques for brushing and flossing, have our dental hygienist show you when you come in for a professional cleaning when you have your semi-annual full dental exam. 

Set an appointment today for teeth whitening in Mission Viejo.

Read More About Cosmetic Dentistry:

How Fastbraces Maximize the Teeth Straightening Experience

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Fastbraces have been around for a quarter century and are used in over 50 countries, so they have been thoroughly tested to know they are safe and effective. Yet surprisingly few American dentists have any experience with them, though Dr. Ada does.

Why are they called Fastbraces? They use several advanced technologies and techniques that speed up the normal 2-3 year orthodontic process. First, they use a triangular bracket to move the root of each tooth at the same time as a square wire moves the crown or top of the tooth. Traditional braces slowly move the crown first over an entire year using a square bracket, then a round wire is used for the root, but the process is inefficient because of this outdated technology.

A series of subsonic and phototherapy applications also speed up the process by stimulating the body cells known as osteoclasts and osteoblasts, which help remove and replace the bone in the dental arches. The net result is that whatever the prognosis might be for the individual’s conventional orthodontic braces to achieve their goal, the time can typically be cut in half with Fastbraces.

There are other advantages over traditional braces.:

  • One is that soft tissues are protected because Fastbraces have limited impact the gums.
  • Two, they are lighter than regular braces.
  • Three, there is no need for teeth to be extracted or for jaw surgery before the orthodontic treatment starts.
  • Four, there is no risk of root resorption, the loss of the root structure of a tooth, as sometimes happens with conventional braces.
  • Five, Fastbraces are smaller and can be clear, so less visible, if you don’t want others knowing you are undergoing orthodontic treatment, usually associated with teenagers.
  • Six, they are suitable for all ages.
  • It’s much easier to clean Fastbraces than other types of braces.

Justified or not, people do judge us by our smiles, especially when we meet the first time. You might be at an interview for a job, being introduced to a new work colleague, meeting at a social occasion, or running into a group of friends and strangers on the street. You want to give everyone a full, confident smile every time. Fastbraces can guarantee that you get that perfect smile the fastest way possible.

Call Pro Health Dental to set an appointment today for a full examination to explore your options for straightening your teeth.  Whatever approach you select, it’s worth knowing that 92% of patients who have orthodontic treatment of any kind are very happy they did.

Foods that Contribute to Chipped Teeth

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Chewing on ice, popping popcorn in the mouth, and biting off the corn on cobs are summertime traditions. But these and other foods could harm your teeth, even chip them.

It seems hard to believe your teeth aren’t hard enough to avoid being damaged by mere frozen water. But the enamel (the hard outer surface) is thin at the tips and chewing ice cubes can actually lead to hairline cracks. If this happens, you will notice that your teeth are suddenly very sensitive to hot and cold. If the cubes  are in a drink, just let them melt down a bit. Incidentally, if you feel the need to chew on ice frequently, it could be a sign of iron deficiency (the reasons are not clear).  

There is nothing wrong with eating fluffy popcorn anytime of the year. But the unpopped popcorn kernels can also be rough on your teeth if you bite into them, potentially causing fractures or breaking a filling, exposing the nerves in the soft tissue of the core. Before sitting down to watch a favorite TV series or new movie, shake the bowl to make the kernels sink to the bottom.

Corn on the cob might not seem dangerous, but especially when raw, the effort to tear off the corn with teeth can result in their being damaged. 

Hard candy isn’t really meant to be bitten into as is. It’s supposed to melt in the mouth over a long time, soothing the throat, stimulating saliva for those with dry mouth, or allowing you to savor it slowly as it dissolves. There is a reason some of these are called jawbreakers. If these types of candies lead to a chipped tooth, then treatments such as veneers or crowns can help.

Nuts and seeds out of the shell could chip if you don’t chew them slowly and carefully or grind them up to add to salad, soups, and smoothies. You also risk damaging teeth if you use them to crack the shells. Likewise, nutrition bars that contain nuts not only are a threat, but because the bars are sticky, slices of nuts could lodge between teeth, causing gum irritation.

Olives, cherries, peaches and other foods with large pits present clear hazards. Buy pitted ones and chew carefully, since factories can make mistakes.

Hard breads, including pretzels and biscotti, could easily break teeth. Best to eat them when softer right out of the oven or dipped into soup or olive oil. 

Beef jerky might be a surprising addition to this list, but the difficult chewing involved can both chip them and result in dislocation of the temporomandibular (TMJ) joint (which connects the jaw to the skull).

Performing Maintenance on Veneers

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The easiest and most affordable way to transform an imperfect grin into a gleaming Hollywood smile is to have veneers placed on the front of problem teeth. These can cover cracks, chips, and gaps or change the appearance of teeth that are too small or misshapen. No one will probably know you’ve had your smile enhanced with veneers: they’ll think you’ve just been brushing with whitening toothpaste and you feel the confidence to fully smile at everyone.

On the initial visit, you will be examined to be sure your oral health is in good enough shape for veneers (underlying issues such as periodontal disease may first need to be addressed). If you grind your teeth during sleep, disclose that to your dentist so he can create a custom mouthguard to wear at night to keep them and your veneers from being damaged.

It may be recommended that you first receive a professional whitening to bring all your teeth to the same shade and prevent any dark ones from showing through the translucent veneers. A mold will be made of the teeth after they are slightly filed to ensure the veneers will adhere and to keep them from being unnaturally bulky.

On the second visit, a temporary set of veneers will be tested to see how they feel and adjustments may be made. A final decision will be made on the shade (whether to match natural teeth or upgrade the whitening of all of them) and instructions will be sent to a top dental laboratory to craft them from biocompatible dental porcelain. On the final visit, the actual veneers will be placed.

How long they will look great depends on how well you care for them. That means foremost that you be dedicated to brushing twice a day with a soft-to-medium brush for two minutes each time, while flossing once. You also need to be sure you have a dental exam twice a year and at that time also have your teeth cleaned by the dental hygienist (put this on your calendar because it is easy to forget how long it has been between visits).

Although veneers are resistant to stains, they cannot be whitened and you want to be sure that both they and your natural teeth are brushed shortly after consuming foods and drinks that can stain if left on for too long. These include coffee, tea, red wine, highly-colored foods (such as blueberries), and colored sodas. Smoking (anything) can also cause darkening.

Even more important, you need to stop bad habits that can damage veneers, such as biting nails, pens, and pencils, chewing on ice, opening bags with your teeth or using them to put on clothing. 

With proper care, veneers can last 10-20 years.   

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