Studies have repeatedly shown that people tend to get impressions of others they meet for the first time largely based on appearance, whether at a job interview or socializing. You can argue that this is superficial and unfair and you aren’t inclined to make such superficial judgments, but we can’t change human nature. Fortunately, one of the easiest ways to make a good first impression is to be able to flash a beautiful and self-confident smile.

Unfortunately, there are many beverages that darken anyone’s teeth. The big ones are coffee, tea, red wine, and colored sodas. They all are acidic, wearing away the white surface enamel of teeth to reveal the yellowish layer of dentin underneath, while tannins and other discoloring ingredients can deeply stain teeth. There are three things you can do to prevent or mitigate this: use a straw and swallow the liquid immediately, cut back on all of them and drink alternatives, and brush right afterwards.

There are other discoloring culprits, including curries, tomato sauce, blueberries, and smoking of any kind. But few of us can adhere to a perfect diet or regimen, so what to do to restore your gleaming smile?

You’ve no doubt tried over-the-counter whitening strips, gels, and toothpastes, which usually have disappointing results no matter how much effort you put in. What you need is a professional-grade whitening process, which Mission Viejo dentist Dr. Ada Gruita can provide.

The best is surprisingly quick and easy. In three sessions of 15 minutes each in a single visit, we will apply a special peroxide-based gel while you watch a video, listen to music, or nap. It’s teeth whitening effects are activated with a special dental light. In less than an hour, you can have up to eight shades removed. Most patients have this redone once a year to keep their teeth gleaming. 

Alternatively or to help maintain the in-office whitening, we can provide you with customized retainers which you fill with a gel and either wear overnight  or for 15 minutes twice a day. In two weeks, this will take off about six shades of darkening.

The long-term benefits of a dental office whitening process include:

  • More self-confidence when you smile.
  • Your smile makes you seem especially friendly, which leads to new relationships of all kinds.
  • An instant and enduring impression that you take care of your health and appearance, attracting others who share those priorities.
  • A greater opportunity for career advancement.
  • As you follow up with your whitening and oral care program, you become more diligent about brushing and flossing, which prevents periodontal disease.

Visit Pro Health Dental for teeth whitening in Mission Viejo.

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